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We offer educational workshops throughout the year to grow our kid vendors’ skills and know-how in financial literacy, business, and personal development. Past workshops have included a demonstration and Q&A with Mitsuhiro Arita and interactive financial literacy workshops using the WingaDoos app.


Inspiration for parents and grownups

Ask Ultra: What is an entrepreneur?

Ask Ultra is a free online entrepreneurship show on YouTube for children. Julian and his son Malachi answer all of your questions and more.

Young Entrepreneurs Share Their Success Story

The Billingsleas brothers are all under age 13. They’re also successful business owners. Three years ago, they started a cookie company called Yummy Brothers. Since then, they’ve learned a lot about being entrepreneurs. And now they’re working to share what they know with other kids.

TED Talk: Forget what you know by Jacob Barnett

Jacob Barnett is an American mathematician and child prodigy. At 8 years old, Jacob began sneaking into the back of college lectures. Jacob encourages children to consider problems using their own unique perspective, using their innate gifts and way of thinking to their advantage.

TED Talk: Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs by Cameron Herold

“I think if we could get kids to embrace the idea at a young age of being entrepreneurial we could change everything in the world that's a problem today. Every problem out there, somebody has the idea for.”

TED Talk: What adults can learn from kids by Adora Svitak

Child prodigy Adora Svitak says the world needs "childish" thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and especially optimism. Kids' big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups' willingness to learn from children as much as to teach.

The Three Magic Seeds

A pamphlet created by the Acton Academy, originators of the Children’s Business Fair concept. These are the lessons that teach a love for the game of business, and of life, that can’t be easily extinguished. These are the three gifts you can give to the next generation if you have the patience to guide them, and listen, and let them learn from experience.

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